Segeln in Kiel


Sailing belongs to Kiel like the sun belongs to the sky. The sailing camp offers are of great interest to holidaymakers and residents alike. Here, children and adults can gain their first sailing experience or go on a spontaneous trip on the Kiel Fjord with the whole family. And if that's not enough: during Kiel Week there are exciting boat tours that make for an unforgettable experience!

"In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do. So untie the knots, run out of the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds with your 
Sails. Explore. Dream."

Mark Twain (Writer)

Book sailing experiences

Book unique sailing trips here - whether in the morning, in the afternoon, after-work or for special events with or without catering. The Kiel Fjord offers a variety of wonderful sailing experiences!

Find experiences

© Henrike Barg, Kiel-Marketing e.V.

Boat tours to the Kieler Woche

During Kieler Woche there are very special sailing trips - whether in the evening during a fireworks display, to the windjammer parade and watch countless ships or during a regatta - an unforgettable experience for young and old!

© Kiel-Marketing GmbH, Kai Kokott

Segelcamp powered by Stadtwerke Kiel

Segeln im Segelcamp

Every year from May to September, the Segelcamp takes place in Kiel. Participants and visitors can choose from more than 30 different courses - from optimists to keel yachts and cutters. At the weekend, anyone can spontaneously join in the sailing during the Open Camp - provided there are still places available. Whether it's a mini yacht trip with friends or family, sailing with the cruisers and getting up close to the ocean liners, or discovering the city from the water on a sailed city tour - the sailing camp offers some great sailing experiences for young and old.

Segelcamp Logo

Sailing weather in Kiel

Windfinder presents the current weather in Kiel. No matter if sun, rain, storm or snowfall. Here is all the information at a glance. And don't forget: there is no bad weather, only bad clothes!

Arrive by boat

Do you need information about the ports & marinas in Kiel? You can also find information about sailing clubs here.

© Kai Kokott / Kiel-Marketing
Kieler Schifffahrtsmuseum

Sailing has history in Kiel

Sailing and Kiel have been closely connected for a long time! In 1882, the first Kiel Week was held here and since then the city has called itself the "World Capital of Sailing" for good reason. Sailing is at home in Kiel!


You can learn more in the permanent exhibition "Navy, Shipyards, Sailing" in the Maritime Museum and admission is free.

Water under keel 

The ground rocks underfoot, a fresh wind blows through the gray beard, the gaze wanders over the horizon, where the outlines of the Kiel skyline can be faintly made out. Seagulls circle overhead and the water laps against the bow like music. Andreas Köpke is a passionate sea dog. He has been sailing the world's oceans on his traditional sailing vessel for 35 years.

Traditionssegler in Kiel