Kieler Woche & Sailing events
Experience the excitement of sailing competitions from shore, from the Kiel Fjord to the Baltic Sea. Here, sailors of different classes can demonstrate their skills and compete. The world's largest sailing event is the annual Kieler Woche, which is accompanied by a large public festival on land. Would you like to experience sailing at first hand? Put these dates in your calendar!
Kieler Woche
The Ocean Race
German Sailing League
Sailing Champions League
The Segelcamp
Every year from May to September, the sailing camp takes place in Kiel. Participants and visitors can choose from more than 30 different courses - from optimists to keel yachts and cutters. On weekends, anyone can spontaneously join in the sailing during the Open Camp - provided there are still places available. Whether it's a mini yacht trip with friends or family, sailing to the cruisers and being close to the ocean giants or discovering the city from the water on a sailed city tour - the Segelcamp offers some great sailing experiences for young and old.
A Traditional Sailor Reports
The ground rocks underfoot, a fresh wind blows through the gray beard, the gaze wanders over the horizon, where the outlines of the Kiel skyline can be faintly made out. Seagulls circle overhead and the water laps against the bow like music. Andreas Köpke is a passionate sea dog. He has been sailing the world's oceans on his traditional sailing vessel for 35 years.