Leuchtturm am Strand von Friedrichsort

Advertising and Tourism of the City of Kiel

Here you will find information for visitors to Kiel in plain language.

There are 7 sections on our website.

Icon Entdecker mit Fernglas


In the "Discover" section, we show you everything Kiel has to offer. Here you can see everything you can do in Kiel. "Discover" is divided into six themes, which you can see below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can read more about them. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the man with the binoculars, you will be taken to the "Discover" section.

Icon Feuerwerk und Girlande


In the "Events" section, we show you which festivals and sports days are taking place in Kiel. You can visit them all. "Events" is divided into four themes. You can see these topics below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can see which events are taking place. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the flags, you will be taken to the "Events" section.

Icon Radfahrer


In the "Active" section, we show you all the sports you can do and see. "Active" is divided into five topics, which you can see below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can read more about them. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the cyclist, you will be taken to the "Active" section.

Icon Wahlfeld und Zeigefinger


In the "Book" section, we show you all the activities you can book with us. "Booking" is divided into six themes, which you can see below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can read more about them. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the hand, you will be taken to the "Book" section.

Icon Zahnrad auf Handfläche


The "Service" section contains information and gifts for visitors to Kiel. You will also find our contact details here. "Service" is divided into six topics, which you can see below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can read more about them. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the hand and the cogwheel, you will be taken to the "Service" section.

Icon Online-Shop: Einkaufswagen und Zeigefinger

Online shop

The "Online shop" section takes you to our online shop. Here you can buy things from Kiel. We will send them to you by post. If you click on the picture above of the hand and the shopping trolley, you will be taken to the "Online shop" section.

Icon Webcam


The "Webcam" section takes you to our two cameras. Here you can see Kiel harbour and Falckensteiner Strand in the real moment. If you click on the picture above of the camera, you will be taken to the "Webcam" section.

Icon Lupe


If you click on the magnifying glass above this text or at the top right of the page, you will be taken to the search function. There you can enter words and search for topics.

Logo Kiel-Sailing-City

Home page

Click on our logo (image) here above the text or at the top left of the page. This will take you back to the homepage of our website.