Experience Kiel

Many events and festivals for young and old take place on the Kiel Fjord throughout the year. Whether it's delicious regional food, sporting activities or cultural offerings - there's bound to be something suitable for you here.In addition to Kiel Week, there are numerous other highlights throughout the year. Among the most popular are the Sunday openings. Under the motto "I feel Kiel", Kiel's city centre and selected districts open their doors throughout the weekend. This makes your shopping trip a very special pleasure, accompanied by great events.

© Finn Karstens

Sundays open

Four times a year you can also go shopping in Kiel on Sundays. These Sundays not only offer you special flexibility in shopping fun, they are also accompanied by nice events. The year starts with the Kieler Umschlag, closely followed by Kiel blüht auf. Then in autumn comes the farmer's and regional market and the crowning finale is Kieler Lichtermeer.

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Calendar of events

What's going on in Kiel? Here you can get an overview of all upcoming events. Whether city centre events, Sunday openings, sporting events or other exciting happenings - you'll find them here.