Tourist-Information Heikendorf
In the tourist information Heikendorf you will receive competent and personal advice about your vacation at the Kiel Fjord. From accommodation to souvenir sales - here you will find what you are looking for!
Our winter opening hours:
Sa. 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Our telephone availability:
Mo.-Fr.: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sa.: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
So. + public holidays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Our services for you:
- Consulting
- Accommodation service
- City tours, sightseeing tours
- E-BIKE rental (Apr.-Oct.)
- Kiel Fjord souvenirs
- Brochure material / order
- Boat tours
You can find us here:
© Kiel-Marketing
Tourist-Information Heikendorf
Strandweg 2 (direkt am Hafen/Fähranleger)
24226 Heikendorf
SouvenirsSonstigesTourist-InformationeBike VerleihstationKielGutschein+49 431 / 679100Welcome Center Kieler Förde
Stresemannplatz 1-3
24103 Kiel
ErlebnisangebotSouvenirsfreies WLANTourist-Informationgeführte Touren+49 431 / 679 100