Sonntagsöffnungen in Kiel

Sunday openings

I FEEL KIEL! Four times a year, even on Sundays! Your shopping trip will be a relaxed pleasure, accompanied by great events, starting with the Kieler Umschlag from 29.02. - 03.03.2024, followed by the spring event Kiel blossoms from 27 - 28.04.2024. In the fall, the farmers' and regional market will take place from 04 - 06.10.2024 and the sea of lights will close the year from 02 - 03.11.2024.

Kieler Umschlag

Become part of Kiel's past when former mayor Asmus Bremer and his wife Katharina are brought to life every year at the traditional folk festival.

Kiel blüht auf

The KIEL BLÜHT AUF event in spring celebrates the awakening of new, fresh businesses in Kiel and does so in a blaze of bloom.

Farmers' and regional market

The entire city centre is dedicated to agriculture. Classic arts and crafts and traditional old-timers in the city are just a few highlights.

Kieler Lichtermeer

The unique light event illuminates the city in November and sets a sign for a colourful society. Discover the city centre in all its glory.


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